Saturday 4 March 2017

Appium on OSX

Appium-OSX Tutorial

Required software:

Java: JDK

Any java IDE: Eclipse / Intellij idea

Appium java client :

Selenium stand alone server :

Xcode : : version 5.1 or higher (i.e 6.1 )
( for opening Iphone simulator)
-          Command line tools (OS X 10.9).pkg
-          Xcode_6.1.1.dmg

Device Configuration : Enable UI automation in mobile (1.Connect your mobile to laptop.  2. Go to settings 3. Developper 4. Enable UI automation

Iphone Simulator verification:

Open Xcode

Click on Create a new Xcode project – Choose single view application – product name : test, 

language : Objective c, Device: Universal
Choose folder name
Click on Run

If it opens a simulator, you are done and then you can close everything.


Install Appium  and choose IOS

Click on Apple symbol to add or modify settings

Basic  Tab:

Provide App path : App which you want to automate ( download app in your local  .ipa extension)

Force Device : check the check box and choose your connected device

Platform version: UDID- Unique Device Id: (open xcode -> Devices-> select the device you want to 
test , you can find Identifier , this is the UDID ) (This is basically alias name , give Name: KranthiIphone6)

Full Rest : check the checkbox – every time we run test we have a clean start

Advanced tab:

Xcode path : make sure xcode path pointed to actual installation
Click on launch button
Once you see 200 in the console, you can start inspecting elements
Click on Inspector UI ( magnifier symbol )
This will install the app on your mobile and shows screen in inspector
We can choose any element and find xpath for the same

Appium setup Check:
Click on Appium Doctor button

Code sample:
Open Eclipse
Create a maven project
Add appium-client and selenium server standalone jar to build path

Public class FirstTest{
Public static void main(String[] args){
DesiredCapabilities cap=new DesiredCapabilities();
Cap.setCapabilities(“deviceName”,” KranthiIphone6”);// this we configured earlier in appium server
IOSDriver driver=new IOSDriver(new URL(”),cap);
//we can build our own xpaths by copying xpath of the device screen and then we can write xpaths